Coming Back

It’s been almost a year since I wrote my last personal blog post. 2021 has been quite the wild ride, but one of the main reasons I didn’t write anything is because I didn’t know what to write.

Late 2020, I decided to step away from my start-up full time and decide if I was going to go back and get a job, or if I wanted to start from zero again. I’ll get into the details of why I decided to step back in future posts, but for this one I’ll just leave it at that.

I’ll spare you the suspense and let you know I went back to work for a company and took a job as a Product Manager. It wasn’t the 2021 I expected to have, but I’ve learned to make the most of it and I’m really excited for what 2022 has in store, both professionally and personally.

I just wanted to drop this post as a driving force to myself to start writing again. Interviewing Product Managers, Associate Product Managers, PM Interns and the like gave me a new spark to write again. I’m looking forward to writing about my failed CEO experiment, my though process of jumping back into product, how I approach Product Management after running a start-up, and what I’m looking forward to as a PM and future founder.

Stay tuned for more to come!
