Engineer to Product Manager: Day 1

Do you know what is crazy? Typically, you spend ~6 hours of your time interviewing for a position. The interviewers have to get a sense of how good of a fit you are for this role in 6 hours. In reality, you’re going to be working with them for…

Engineer to Product Manager: The Interview

Pushups. Power pose. Pace back and forth. Freak out. Breathe. Repeat. How do you prepare for PM interviews? Honestly, if the individuals who interviewed me ever read these posts, they are really going to second question who they hired. Luckily, I work with all of them now and they like…

Engineer to Product Manager: The Preparation

How do you prepare for a job interview that you technically don’t have any professional experience for? Research, practice, freak out, repeat… I am pretty sure I did this one wrong, but I waited until I got the interview to really do any prep. Sure, I Googled common…

Engineer to Product Manager: The Search

Ok, so I thought my resume was crafted in a way that would attract recruiters and hiring managers. I got feedback from other PM friends, friends who were recruiters and from various sources on the internet. Now it was time to search for the jobs, tweak the resume, go to…

Engineer to Product Manager: The Resume

This post is not meant to be a guide on how to craft the best product manager resume, rather, it’s a walk through my experience and to provide a couple of pointers. If you’re looking for a guide, I suggest checking out one of these resources: Cracking the…